Author: Mumia Abu-Jamal • Foreword by Angela Y. Davis • Introduction by Selma James
Publisher: Crossroads Books
Published: 2011
FROM DEATH ROW, award-winning journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal tells us about fellow prisoners who learn to use the law and the courts to win justice for themselves and other prisoners. “This is the story of law learned”, he writes, “not in the ivory towers of multi-billion-dollar endowed universities but in the hidden, dank dungeons of America – the Prison-house of Nations.”
Selma James’ introduction presents the parallel universe of UK jailhouse lawyers who, like their US counterparts, are leading a justice movement inside prisons.
What people have said about Jailhouse Lawyers:
Anger with accuracy. Outstanding. Ian Macdonald QC
Deserves to be read by policymakers. Lord David Ramsbotham, former HM Chief Inspector of Prisons
Illuminates what is possible for jailhouse lawyers in Britain. Ben Gunn, UK jailhouse lawyer
A champion of law in an institution that is lawless. Benjamin Zephaniah, poet, ex-prisoner
Gallant prisoners who do battle with the authorities. Clive Stafford Smith, Reprieve
A brilliant analysis of law and lawyers as instruments of injustice. Lord Anthony Gifford QC, UK barrister and attorney, Jamaica
A must read for prisoners and prison reform groups. John Hirst, former jailhouse lawyer
In the grand tradition of prison writing. Frances Crook, Director, Howard League for Penal Reform
An international learning tool – of particular importance to the Caribbean. Richard Small, attorney, Jamaica
The truth about death row and its distinguished inhabitants. Niki Adams, Legal Action for Women
Make way for inside voices. Everybody should read it. Flo Krause, barrister
Mumia Abu-Jamal has once more offered us new ways of thinking about law, democracy, and power. Angela Y. Davis, from the Foreword
They learn the law, the procedures, the jargon, and mount an often formidable legal defence. In the process they carve out a life for themselves. Selma James, from the Introduction