Authors: Solveig Francis, Selma James, Phoebe Jones Schellenberg, Nina Lopez
Publisher: Crossroads Books
Published: 2002
Mothers’ life-and death struggle with the infant formula industry.
A path-breaking perspective on the true value of women's vital biological and caring work.
An economic balance sheet: how much is spent supporting breastfeeding and how much undermining it.
Over 100 facts on the economic value of breastfeeding, lives saved as well as savings to both individuals and countries in healthcare, birth control costs and formula costs; the unique qualities of breast milk compared to those of any formula; and its environmental friendliness.
The work of breastfeeding, the skills it requires, the time and energy it takes -- and saves.
A do-it-yourself guide to measuring the work of breastfeeding (and all unwaged work), and economically valuing it.
An account of how much money and resources the formula industry invests in influencing governments, the media, the medical profession and NGOs to undermine breastfeeding, and how the privatization of the UN has benefited industry at the expense of mothers and babies. Another view of HIV and breastfeeding: breast is always best. What the AIDS "experts" don't tell us.
An exposé of how the pharmaceutical industry (often one with the formula industry) that markets drugs for HIV/AIDS, has bought control over researchers, UN officials, policy makers, health professionals and NGOs, and represents the latest attack on breastfeeding.
Information about the movement to defend breastfeeding and women's resistance to HIV/AIDS terrorism, South and North, integral to the movement against globalisation.
Reports from the successful campaign to defend mothers' rights to paid nursing breaks during the 1999 and 2000 ILO review of its Maternity Protection Convention.
The right to breastfeed, an Indigenous woman's perspective from Peru.
A list of 22 demands for action to promote breastfeeding and first of all to protect and support the breastfeeding mother.